
My Super Foods Smoothie…
If you have ever started your morning with a smoothie you know how yummy they are. It’s like drinking a milkshake for breakfast. WOW so

Why Drinking Water Is the Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Health!
Did you know that every system in your body requires water to function. Our bodies are made up of 60% water and without it we

Why How You Eat Is Just as Important as What You Eat…
Did you know that it takes your body 20 minutes to recognize that you are full. Digestive stress is about 25% WHAT you eat and

Want to Know the Secret Ingredient to Losing Weight and Aging Gracefully…
Add bone broth to your diet on a regular basis. For me that means having some in the morning, for lunch and sometimes even before

Why You Can’t Out Exercise a Bad Diet
We have all been there. You overeat at a holiday or during a fun activity and tell yourself well I will just have to do

How Eating Grass Fed, Humanely Raised Meat Is Good for Your Waistline and the Environment
You know the saying, “you are what you eat”, it is SO true. We eat whatever our food eats, we absorb whatever stresses are food

How a Re-Set Will Help You Lose Weight and Fast
Halfway through 2019 and so many people are asking me about my 28 day re-set… what is it, will it help me lose weight, what

Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight and How to Avoid Them
Its the beginning of the year and you are starting to make new years resolutions. How you are going to lose weight and keep it

How Blood Type Affects EVERYTHING When It Comes to Weight Loss…
Have you tried to lose weight for 6 or more months and just can’t seem to do it OR have you been dieting and have

Let’s Get Moving! Coach Kela Introduces Her 4 New and Fresh Programs for 2019!
I am so excited to bring you 4 fresh new programs for 2019. These programs will help you to get into the best shape of