
Misconceptions in Preconception Preparation

Misconceptions in Preconception Preparation

Here are the four misconceptions in preconception preparation. Written by Guest Blogger: Macy Coleman, a board certified Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist. Misconception #1: It is only the mother’s health that impacts pregnancy and birth outcomes This may be the biggest misconception of all. Men are actually responsible for 20-30% of infertility and contribute to 50% of

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Reiki Energy Healing

Here Are 6 Common Signs That You Could Benefit From Reiki Energy Healing Right Now:

Did you know that a physical injury or even emotional or mental trauma, stress, or pain can stagnate the energy in your body?! Reiki is a form of energy healing that can be offered in person or distance/virtually, that aims to help the flow of energy, cleanse it and remove blocks from the body’s energy

Here Are 6 Common Signs That You Could Benefit From Reiki Energy Healing Right Now: Read More »

Heal Your Emotions So That Your Body Wants to Reproduce Itself

Heal Your Emotions So That Your Body Wants to Reproduce Itself

Have you ever wondered why some people who take good care of their health can still experience health challenges such as infertility, fatigue and anxiety, while others who are more casual about their health aren’t getting sick? Written by Guest Blogger: Catherine Gagnon, an Emotional Alchemist, Mind-Body Healing Practitioner and Master NLP Transformational Health Coach

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Why Plastic Is Harmful to Your Health and How to Detox from It (2)

Why Plastic Is Harmful to Your Health and How to Detox from It

Written by Guest Blogger: Dr. Jenna Hua, an environmental health scientist and dietitian by training and founder of the Million Marker. Plastic is everywhere. We’re not just talking about the obvious suspects, like food and drink bottles, storage containers, and toys. Pharmaceuticals, foods, medical tubes, fragrances, paper receipts, and so much more are also made

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