Reiki Energy Healing

Here Are 6 Common Signs That You Could Benefit From Reiki Energy Healing Right Now:

Written by Guest Blogger: Renata Taravski, a straight-talking astrologer, spiritual mentor, reiki master and naturopath

Did you know that a physical injury or even emotional or mental trauma, stress, or pain can stagnate the energy in your body?! Reiki is a form of energy healing that can be offered in person or distance/virtually, that aims to help the flow of energy, cleanse it and remove blocks from the body’s energy system known as the chakras, in a similar way to acupuncture. This deep cellular healing and re-alignment of energy can enable relaxation, speeds healing, and strengthens your intuition, while improving your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Reiki Energy Healing (1)

Here are 6 common signs you could benefit from energy work:

  1. You feel exhausted, burnt out and drained.
  2. You feel stuck, stressed and unmotivated.
  3. You have a hard time trusting your intuition and making decisions.
  4. You have trouble sleeping and struggle with chronic pain.
  5. You feel lost and disconnected from yourself, your path and others.
  6. You get easily triggered and emotionally overwhelmed

If you identified with one or more of the 6 signs, and feel like you could benefit from some energetic support, contact your reiki healer for a session or if you don’t have someone you currently work with and wanted to explore this energetic medicine I’d love to support you with a distant  1:1 reiki session.

Guest Blogger,

Renata Taravski 

Renata’s a straight-talking astrologer, spiritual mentor, reiki master and naturopath who cuts through the “spiritual fluff,” to deliver the sassy cosmic wisdom and healing you didn’t even know you were searching for.  But what makes Renata a true master of her craft, is her commitment to helping empaths, spiritual entrepreneurs, healers and seekers confidently master their energy and express their purpose so the can service the world the way they were born to do.  So if you If you love a no-BS approach, with a lil’ woo-woo, and someone who’s already walked the path, to tell you exactly what you need to do to make that happen, she’s your girl!

P.S. Catch Renata’s interview in this week’s episode of The Hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Podcast. You can also find the episode on this podcast page as well as Spotify, and Stitcher.  Don’t forget to subscribe, follow, and write us a review on Apple Podcast (if you LOVE it).

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