
Podcast alert – How the Hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Method can help YOU get pregnant!

OMGGGGGGGGGG it’s finally happening, The Hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Podcast is launching.


When your heart tells you to do something, you listen.

This idea of having my own podcast has been brewing for a while and I can’t wait for it to come to fruition. During the show I am going to be talking to some amazing experts in the fields of fertility, reproductive health and the business of coaching. Sharing my personal story of how I walked through the crazy valley of infertility and came out on the other size with two boys and a third baby (my business).

Tune in Sept 1st when all the excitement begins. (On this website and major podcast platforms like iTunes, Spotify and Stitcher).  

Don’t forget to subscribe, follow and write us a review (if you LOVE it).

So what is the Hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Method and how can it help you?

This is a method I created when I was struggling with “unexplained infertility” for over 2 years.  Determined not to let this diagnosis define me and our ability to have the family we wanted I set out on a quest to get as holistically, fertile as possible and the hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Method was born (and so was my first son).  

So what is this method….

P– Proper, whole food nutrition, U– Understanding Supplements, Z– Zapping stress, Z-Zzzzz’s (sleep), L– Love/encouragement, E– Exercise/Environment. 

These are all the steps I took and the ones I want you to take to balance your hormones and boost your fertility naturally.  

These are the steps we will be discussing weekly on the podcast.  We will be hearing from experts in the field, like:

Blair Nelson of Fab Fertility who is walking through her own fertility journey and the creator of an amazing platform for women all about fertility and the host of the Fab Fertility Podcast. Michelle Oravitz a Miami based acupuncturist, ayurvedic practitioner, and a certified hypnotherapist specializing in fertility health. Who changed her career from architect to acupuncture after her acupuncturist reversed her infertility and host of The Wholesome Fertility Podcast. Anna Reyes of NaturaFertility, a Licensed Holistic Nutritional Professional/Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Laura Charelle a high performance women’s health coach and the founder of Balanced Bombshells.  Later in the year we will have Amy Klein, author of The Trying Game and Amy Beckley inventor of Proov Test, and at home progesterone testing kit.  Each week we will be diving in deep with education around fertility and hormones, giving you hope to continue to move forward and inspiring you by stories of infertility turned pregnancy and then baby.  You definitely don’t want to miss a single show.  

I used the Hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Method to get myself pregnant naturally after years of failed attempts and an “unexplained infertility” diagnosis and it’s what I use with clients around the world to help them get pregnant naturally or eliminate their symptoms of hormone imbalance.

Hormone Puzzle Podcast - Proper Nutrition
P – Proper, whole food nutrition

Eat the magic plate. Eat the rainbow, Lots of antioxidants, fiber and lean protein. Check out the blog I wrote on the perfect fertility diet or my cycle optimizing meal plans.

U – Understanding supplements

There are many supplements on the market that are meant to help you boost your fertility naturally or eliminate your symptoms of hormone imbalance but you have to be careful because if you take a supplement and it’s not what your body needs, you can actually do more harm than good. Check with your doctor or coach before beginning any supplement regimen and make sure the ones you are taking are what you need. Read here to learn which supplements might be right for you.

Z- Zapping stress

Stress is the seconding leading cause of fertility related issues. Your body will always take from other systems to make stress hormones. Especially cortisol and adrenaline and will stop all baby making hormones. Doing things to actively manage and eliminate stress will be key when trying to conceive and have a healthy cycle.

hormone puzzle podcast - woman sleeping

Zzzzzz’s (sleep)

During sleep your body is renewing, repairing, recovering, detoxing and more. Getting adequate sleep is essential when trying to balance hormones and create an optimal environment for a healthy baby. 

Love and Encouragement

The mental part of fertility is just as important as the physical part. Being in a loving and caring relationship with a spouse or partner and having a strong support system for encouragement and to hold your hand thought this difficult time is so very important and can actually make all the difference in whether of not your treatments will work or if you are able to be successful on the road to baby. 


Making sure you are exercising based on where you are in your cycle will either work for or against your hormones and allow your body to flow nicely with itself. That means saving the high intensity workouts for your follicular and ovulatory phases and switching to slow, gentle movements during your luteal and during your period. This will allow you to work with your body instead of push against it with will help to keep your hormones balanced and won’t jeopardize fertility.


Your environment is also extremely important when it comes to fertility and hormone health. Steering clear of pesticides, herbicides, BPA and other chemicals will help to protect your endocrine system and keep your hormones humming smoothly. 

As you can see the health of your cycle and your hormones play a vital role into whether or not you can get pregnant, stay pregnant and how many symptoms you experience through hormones each month. Having a healthy cycle and being as fertile as possible will increase your chances of getting and staying pregnant but will also boost your overall health and vitality.

The power is in your hands, you can do this mama, I got you! 

If you need help implementing any of these steps or if you want to see how your individual situation could be improved through booking an appointment with one of our coaches. Book a call here.

Through an in-depth questionnaire we will learn all the pieces to your individual situation and will show you how our programs can help you. 

Love and health,

Coach Kela

P.S. Listen to my podcast – The Hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Podcast on my podcast page as well as Spotify, and Stitcher.  

Don’t forget to subscribe, follow, and write us a review on Apple Podcast (if you LOVE it).

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