
My Secret Valentines’ Ingredient for Fertility

It’s that time a year again, love it in the air. You’re going on a date with your significant other in your favorite red dress. There are surprise red roses on your kitchen table when you wake up or you get breakfast in bed.
That’s right! It’s valentine’s day! But what if you are trying to conceive. What if you are struggling with infertility and your told not to eat sugar. Then what.
Well, what if I told you there is something that is sweet and is actually good for you.
And this sweet treat will even promote fertility…

What is this ingredient, CHOCOLATE (dark chocolate to be exact)!

You might be thinking, you know, I heard one time that dark chocolate was healthier than kale but is that really true?

And it can help me get pregnant, REALLY?

Well grab that baby book that you prematurely bought in anticipation for your trip to baby town and get ready to take some notes.

General Health Benefits

Hight quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa content or higher) has been touted as a great source of soluble fiber and minerals. In a one-gram bar of dark chocolate you can find,

  1. 11 grams of fiber
  2. 67% of the RDA (recommended daily allowance) iron
  3. 58% RDA magnesium
  4. 89% of the RDA for copper
  5. 98% of the RDA for Manganese
  6. It also has plenty of potassium, phosphorus and selenium.

Another one of the amazing benefits of dark chocolate is it is full of antioxidants.

Research showed that raw, unprocessed raw cacao is one of the top scoring foods tested by the researchers. Meaning that chocolate is one of the best super foods for fighting off free radicals in your body. Antioxidants help cancel out the effects of too many free radicals. By doing this, they can improve egg quality and make your cycles more regular.

Now how can it help you get pregnant…

Dark chocolate has some amazing benefits that help boost fertility such as the flavonoids (a group of plant metabolites) thought to provide health benefits with antioxidant effects.

Chocolate also contains arginine, an amino acid that promotes blood flow to the uterus and ovaries even the smell of chocolate can increase the brain’s theta waves, helping you relax.

To be honest, this is helpful regardless of whether or not you’re trying to get pregnant. Lastly chocolate contains tryptophan, which if it doesn’t put you to sleep, it will put you in a good mood.

So want to know some of my favorite dark chocolate bars… these have all the qualities of

the chocolate you want to boost your fertility and they are DELICIOUS.

  1. Zen Evo dark chocolate squares
  2. Green and blacks organic dark chocolate
  3. Taza chocolate sea salt and almond

Another really easy way to get healthy chocolate into your life and boost your fertility is through my Fertility boosting brownies.


Fertility Boosting Brownies


  • 1 flax egg
  • 15oz can low sodium black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1⁄2 large, ripe avocado
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1⁄2 cup brown sugar
  • 2/3 cup raw cacao
  • 1⁄4 tsp organic baking soda
  • 1⁄2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/3 cup vegan dark chocolate chips, plus 2 Tbsp for sprinkling
  • 1⁄2 tsp organic coconut oil


  1. Preheat oven to 350 and grease an 8×8 baking dish.
  2. Place flax egg, black beans, avocado, vanilla and brown sugar and mix in a food processor until smooth.
  3. Add raw cacao, baking soda and baking powder and process again until smooth. Batter will be thick. If batter is way too thick and won’t process, add in 1-2 Tbsp of almond milk. The batter needs to be very thick in order to produce the fudgy brownies you want.
  4. Fold in chocolate chips or sprinkle into the batter then transfer to prepared baking pan and use a spatula to spread evenly to sides. Sprinkle top of batter with 2 Tbsp of remaining chocolate chips.
  5. Bake for 22-30 minutes or until knife in center comes out clean. We don’t want these to dry out, but we also don’t want them raw either. The top of the batter should be completely set and no longer jiggle. Cool pan completely on wire rack then cut into 12 bars.
  6. Top with almond slivers.

Whether you get your chocolate in a square, through a brownie or just by eating a handful of organic dark chocolate chips (ok that’s just me), eating chocolate on the daily will not only keep your taste buds happy and your mood stable but also it will give your fertility the boost it needs to get you one step closer to a healthy baby.

Love and Health,

Coach Kela


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