Written by Guest Blogger: Spencer Feldman, a multiple patent holding inventor and formulator.
Our hormonal system, is a complex and beautifully orchestrated network that, when operating well, keeps us happy, healthy and fertile. Alas, modern toxins and gut issues can cause our hormonal system to lose its equilibrium.
Modern technologies have improved our lives in many ways, but have also released toxic metals and chemical toxins in our environment. These toxins accumulate in the fatty tissues of our bodies, including fat-rich locations like our nerves, brain and ovaries.
At its simplest, detox is about making these fat-soluble toxins water-soluble so we can urinate them out.
Consider a greasy dish. Dunking it in water will not remove the grease, but add some soap and the grease becomes water soluble and it can be rinsed off. It’s the same with the body, we just need to find the right ‘soaps’ to use. With toxic metals, the chelator EDTA is very helpful. With chemicals, the process is a bit more complex since there are so many different kinds of chemicals. With chemicals, it is a 2 step process where we must both support the liver in it’s initial detoxification steps (Phase 1) as well as supply the needed conjugating agents (Phase 2) that most of us in this modern world, are deficient in.

Metals can cause inflammation in our endocrine system (which creates our hormones) while chemicals can be mistaken for hormones by the hormone receptors in our body causing all sorts of trouble. Clearing toxic metals and chemicals from our bodies is an important first step in improving hormonal health.
We also need to be mindful of our gut health, especially the millions of healthy bacteria that line our intestines and work symbiotically with us to maintain our health. These, bacteria, (also known as our microbiome) have been called our second brain, but in reality, they are our first brain. Animals have been in symbiotic relationship with bacteria since the beginning. All the work done by our specialized organs (brain, endocrine, immune, etc.) was first done by the microbiome, and our specialized organs developed later.
Our gut microbiome still plays a vital role in our homeostasis, keeping us in balance.
Moment by moment, it monitors our bloodstream, and by secreting molecules that interact with our DNA (epigenetically) helps keep our hormones (as well as neurotransmitters and antibodies) at optimal levels.
For all the benefits our microbiome does for us, it asks for little in return. All it needs are some special molecules called oligosaccharides, the digestive leftovers of our meal that we can’t digest anyway. Alas, modern diets don’t have many of these oligosaccharides, and the overuse of antibiotics have made many microbiomes unable to do their healing work for us as well as they could. Is it possible to recover our microbiomes? Yes.
In our podcast together, Kela and I will discuss how to properly detoxify your body of metals and chemicals, how to heal your gut microbiome and other topics.
Guest Blogger,
Spencer Feldman
Multiple patent holding inventor and formulator Spencer Feldman has been designing and manufacturing detoxification products for over 20 years. His groundbreaking work creating detox suppositories spawned an entire industry in the alternative health world. Living off grid in Oregon, he spends his time reading scientific journals, looking for the next clue on how to help improve people’s health.
P.S. Catch Spencer’’s interview in this week’s episode of The Hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Podcast – Detoxing and Your Fertility. You can also find the episode on this podcast page as well as Spotify, and Stitcher. Don’t forget to subscribe, follow, and write us a review on Apple Podcast (if you LOVE it).