Do you want to get pregnant and have the baby that you desire in 90 days?
And NO, I’m not talking about medications that force your body to ovulate. It’s also not telling your husband that he has to perform tonight because you are fertile today (not so romantic, right?)
What I will share with you are my 5 EXPERT SECRETS of how I was able to manage to reverse my infertility, get pregnant and have not just one but two healthy baby boys naturally after years of trying. These are also the same secrets I share with my client as a fertility coach to help them deal with infertility and get pregnant, FAST!0

So what are these secrets? Read below for the pieces that you need to unlock your hormone puzzle to boost your fertility and get pregnant .
1. You have to eat real and whole delicious foods.

This means that you have to eat foods that are as close to nature as possible. And not from a package or drive up window. Because these foods will help create an optimal state for conception and health within your body so you can get pregnant.
Here are some delicious and nutritious foods you can get in the groceries – Organic fruits and veggies, grass-fed, organic lean meats, deep water fish, nuts, seeds, fresh herbs and spices plus lots of water.
2. You have to eliminate toxins in your environment.
Environmental toxins are very prevalent not just in your household cleaners, laundry detergent, beauty products but also in so many products we are using in our daily activities. Sadly, toxins are all around us. And you have to keep in mind that the more you are exposed to the toxic products and chemicals the more toxins that build up in your body and the more likely for your body to have a system shut down. You can’t make a baby in a toxic environment because your body knows this. So here’s what you can do. You have to start eliminating toxins from the things you are using.You can start small if every time that you run out of something you replace it with a clean, non-toxic option. And before you know it you will be living in a toxic free environment. I will share with you one of my favorite resources for determining if a product is safe or not (means it has lots of toxins). Whenever I am in doubt or just want to double check I go to this website – This website allows you to search for clean products by category as well as look up for the products that you are currently using to find out about their toxic load so you can choose replacements if necessary.
3. Practice restorative and gentle exercise.

Moving your body is SO important when you are trying to get pregnant or just want to be healthy in general. Keep in mind that our body was made to move so when you give it what it needs, you are increasing your chances of being able to conceive. Remember to choose an exercise that will allow you to move but at a gentle pace because this is the type of exercise or movement that promotes fertility and not militant exercise that will block baby making signals.
Gentle Exercise and movement are-
- Yoga
- Tai Chi
- Gentle stretching
- Walking
Try to move your body every day to get your blood flowing, your muscles moving and the baby making it on track.
4.Don’t forget to take supplements to fill in holes.
I always encourage others to get vitamins and minerals from a whole foods diet however there will usually still be holes or gaps. Vitamins and minerals that keep the body functioning properly, including those that are in high demand during pregnancy and especially those that aid in the rapid cell division and development of vital organs such as the baby’s brain and your placenta during the first stage of pregnancy. I highly suggest that you only take prenatal vitamins that are professional or pharmaceutical grade. You can try on investing in one of the much higher quality ones as they will actually be beneficial and usable by your body. But where can you get them? Well, Target, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Costco, etc. does not sell prenatal vitamins that I would consider high enough quality to take myself or to recommend to my clients. You will be able to find good ones locally at Whole Foods or any natural food store in your city and even on Amazon. My favorite website to order high quality vitamins is from (this link is to my practitioner dispensary where you can find my favorite professional-grade products for fertility which I also recommend to my clients).

5. Lastly, find a coach that can guide you through this process.
Whether it is me or someone else, a fertility coach is going to hold your hand and show you step by step what you need to do to get the baby of your dreams in your arms. A coach also helps in encouraging, empowering and supporting you and make this experience one you will never forget.
Are you still lost and are not sure where to start?
Are you one of those that are tired of being frustrated and mad and who are ready to give up?
I have so many resources for you. You can start digging in my blogs and articles here on this website to find the one that resonates with you the most so you can begin to take the action steps that I recommend.
You can also join my Free Facebook Group where I do weekly live about Hormones, Infertility, & Cycle Syncing.
If you are interested in learning more about how I can help you, or if you’re ready to start working towards optimizing your fertility, so you can have the baby you desire, then take action right now, TODAY. Book a call with me here to learn more about how we can work together to reclaim your fertility and health.
Don’t forget to follow me on social media
Instagram: @kela_healthcoach
Facebook: @kelaheathcoach
Love and health,
Coach Kela