Five Exercises to Improve Your Fertility

Five Exercises to Improve Your Fertility

There I was about to take my second spin class for the day. I used to love to spin and couldn’t wait to get in that class and peddle my little heart out. I thought I was doing this to keep myself super healthy, I thought I was doing this to keep my weight in check and my rear end tight. It never crossed my mind that I was exercising to much. That my twice a day spin habit was ruining my chances of conceiving. That exercise was causing my adrenal levels to be off and my hormones to be out of balance. That this “healthy habit” was blocking my ability to conceive. Who knew!

Once I learned this I was able to scale back my exercise routine into one that was working with my body and not against it. I was able to finally get pregnant after years of trying and I have made it my mission to help my clients do the same. Below are the 5 secrets I used to still enjoy my workouts but without the negative affects of strenuous exercise. Choose a few of these today to put your body into that optimal state for conception and move one step closer to the family of your dreams.

1. Choose restorative exercise.

Focus on relaxing and incorporating restorative forms of exercise such as yin or restorative yoga. This workout will not only lower your cortisol levels but it will also become a sustainable practice that you can continue to enjoy throughout your pregnancy. Provided your doctor approves.

2. Focus on deep breathing.

Deep breathing helps to trick your central nervous system into thinking you are calm and relaxed when you might be stressed, anxious, nervous or whatever your feeling, deep breathing allows you to slow down and be present in the moment. When trying to conceive and your brain is going in a million and one directions this this so beneficial.

3. Stretch to better fertility.

Making sure to stretch and stretch often while trying to conceive, during pregnancy and after is so important because it helps your muscles release certain natural chemicals which prevent pain, releases feel good chemicals and it just feels amazing. Stretching first thing in the morning and before bed is also a good practice to get into. Once you make this a habit your body will crave it.

4. Walking is a wonderful exercise.

you can do to increase your fertility. It’s easy, you can do it anywhere and its gentle on your joints and your mood. One of my favorite things to do it to find a nice quiet trail near a lake or in a park and just walk. Try it today for a boost in your fertility.

5. Practice Tai Chi or Qigong.

these two types of moving meditation help to center you and connect the mind body connection which is a powerful healer in the fight against infertility.

These 5 secrets are some of the things I did to increase my fertility and I hope they will help you do the same. Pick 1-2 of them to try today. Without empowered action knowledge is useful. Which one will you try today?

Love and health,

Coach Kela

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