Before you conceive, be sure to incorporate a healthy lifestyle to ensure optimal health for mom and baby. Receiving preconception counseling and care can lay the groundwork for a healthy lifestyle and healthy pregnancy. Good health before pregnancy can help you cope with the stress of pregnancy, labor, and birth. Obtaining good health care before you conceive will help you throughout your pregnancy. It also provides you with the opportunity to find out your risks, treat any medical problems that may affect the outcome of your pregnancy, and adopt or continue a healthy lifestyle.
If you are planning to conceive, schedule a preconception visit with your healthcare provider. In your visit, you will receive a comprehensive history of your health including: family history and risk factors, your medical history, surgical history, medications that you are presently taking including vitamins, supplements, OTC (over-the-counter) meds; your diet and lifestyle, and any past pregnancies.
Your preconception visit is a time for you to ask questions. Do not hesitate to seek advice, discuss your concerns, and your options. Your healthcare provider is there to provide information and guidance to help you make informed choices in your healthcare to help you obtain and maintain a healthy pregnancy.
Women who are planning to conceive should stop their form of birth control several months in advance. Even though methods vary in use, it may affect when your menses resumes and becomes regular. During this time, you may also want to start taking a prenatal vitamin daily to guarantee you are getting added vitamins and increased folic acid.
Your lifestyle assessment includes diet, exercise, weight management, substance use, living/working environment, and infection history. Current immunizations are important to prevent any infections during your pregnancy that can harm you and your baby, even if you were vaccinated as a child (measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus), you may not be immune now.
If you are vaccinated prior to conceiving, you will be protected. The vaccine for mumps, measles and especially rubella should be given at least 3 months prior to conceiving. During this period of time, you should use a reliable method of birth control.
Optimal health at any time during your lifetime involves a healthy diet and the proper amount of exercise. Ideally, you should be in good physical shape and follow a regular exercise regimen before you conceive. If you are not used to being active, you should start an exercise program gradually.
Tobacco, alcohol, and recreational (illegal) drug use is addictive and can harm you and your baby that can last a lifetime, and even result in death. They can have detrimental effects on the organ formation, causing damage. The misuse of prescription medication can also harm the fetus. For the sake of your own health and that of your baby, now is a good time to cut back on smoking and alcohol and quit all recreational drugs. It takes time and patience to quit a habit, especially if you have had that particular habit for a long time. Ask your healthcare provider to suggest ways to get through the withdrawal state or quitting and to refer you to support groups. Your decision to quit may be one of the hardest things you have ever done, but it will be one of the most worthwhile.
Does your home or work environment impose any hazards? If you are trying to conceive, it is a good idea to look closely at your work place and surroundings. Are you exposed to toxic substances, chemicals, or radiation? Discuss your level of exposure to specific substances with your employee health division, personnel office or union representative.
Exposure to lead or certain solvents, pesticides, or other chemicals can reduce your partner’s fertility by killing or damaging sperm. Unlike women, who are born with a complete supply of eggs for their entire lifespan, men make new sperm on a daily basis for most of their lives. Unless the damage to a man’s reproductive system is very serious, he will probably be able to make healthy sperm against a short time span after his exposure to the harmful material stops.
Healthy lifestyle choices during pregnancy are essential. Your health care provider will likely discuss the importance of a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and keeping stress under control. If you’re underweight or overweight, your health care provider may recommend addressing your weight before you conceive.
Questions to Consider…
- Do I or a member of my family have a disorder that could be inherited?
- Do I need to gain or lose weight to prepare for pregnancy?
- Should I make any changes in my lifestyle?
- Could any medications I am taking cause problems during my pregnancy?
- Can I continue my present exercise program? Or should I adjust it?
- Does my work expose me to things that could be harmful during pregnancy?
- Do I need to be vaccinated for any infectious diseases before I try to conceive?
- What about your partner’s lifestyle?
If possible, have your partner attend the preconception visit with you. Your partner’s health and lifestyle, including family medical history and risk factors for infections or birth defects are important because they can affect you and your baby.
This is a guest post by Ursula Sabia Sukinik. The original post can be found here. You can learn more about her services and everything you need to know about your pregnancy at