Overcoming Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome as a Fertility Coach

We’ve turned one of our exciting podcast episode for coaches “Overcoming Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome as a Fertility Coach” into an easy-to-read blog post. Come explore valuable insights and knowledge with us, whether you prefer reading or listening. Let’s learn together on this journey!

I am super excited about today’s topic. We are going to talk about overcoming self doubt And imposter syndrome as a fertility coach. And this is a topic that so many people I hear say that they feel like an imposter. I don’t care if you are brand new in business and today is your first day, or you’ve been in business for years and years.

Imposter syndrome is something that we all have experienced at some point in our businesses.

And it’s something that I (I’m almost 10 years into my practice) and I still have moments of self doubt where I doubt my protocol. I doubt my ability to run my business. I think this was a great month, but what if next month’s not so great?

And it just creeps in and it’s part of being human. It’s part of running a business, but there’s some things that we can do to overcome self doubt and imposter syndrome. And that’s what I’m going to talk about here today.

And again, these are both very common, especially in a field like ours, where helping people with such personal and critical aspects of their lives. It’s, it’s crucial that we get it right. So it’s. It’s normal to have some of these issues, imposter syndrome, have some self doubt creeping in. But we’re going to talk today about what these feelings are, why they occur, and most importantly, how to overcome them.

So let’s get started. So first, I just want to spend a few minutes talking about how to understand self doubt and imposter syndrome. Let’s define what exactly we’re talking about.

What is self doubt?

This is a feeling of uncertainty about your abilities and your decisions. And imposter syndrome takes this even a step further.

It’s the belief that you’re a fraud despite your qualifications or your achievements. And that you will eventually be exposed. These feelings often arise when we’re stepping out of our comfort zones, we’re taking on new challenges, or we’re comparing ourselves to others, which I find a lot of us do that too.

I’m guilty of this as well. And as fertility coaches, we have a great responsibility and influence, which is why these insecurities can become so detrimental to us. So why do we experience these feelings? Well, there’s several factors that contribute to self doubt and imposter syndrome. The first is that many people that go into this field are type A personalities.

They are perfectionists and they have very high expectations. We set high standards for ourselves. Because we want to provide the best care and support for our clients and patients. And this pressure can lead to feelings of inadequacy. We also seem to compare ourselves more than other people in different fields.

In the age of social media, it’s so easy to play that game of comparison.

Some coaches and practitioners seem more successful, they seem more knowledgeable, they have better social media, they’re more confident, and it can cause us to question our abilities. I have this Conversation weekly with my students when they say, I’m brand new. I don’t know enough. I’m not enough. Well, I didn’t have my own fertility journey or I’m in the middle of my fertility journey and I haven’t finished it yet.

So how could I coach another person on something that I haven’t accomplished myself? And I’m here to tell you that that, none of that is true, you have so much ability as somebody who has a passion for fertility, or who is in the middle of a fertility journey, or who has completed it and has a baby or more.

You have the ability to lead somebody and guide them and coach them to get what you’re trying to get, even if you haven’t reached the finish line yet. So, number three, I said this earlier, perfectionism, striving to be perfect. You can’t make a mistake. You can’t have any shortcomings or you’re going to feel like a significant failure and that self doubt is just going to continue to, to show up in your life.

You also feel. Whenever you have a new challenge, every time you get a new client or patient, and this can bring uncertainties and it can make all of us question our capabilities. Especially, well there’s two pieces to this. The first piece is in sales. Every time you enroll somebody into a program, you feel amazing, and you’re so happy that you’re able to help these people and bring them into your program.

But then the next thought is, well, what if this was just a fluke? What if I’m not able to bring anybody else into my program? What if I’m not able to help my client get the results they’re after? And so, so many new challenges arise daily and weekly and monthly as you’re enrolling new clients and patients.

So how do we start to overcome self doubt and imposter syndrome?

Let’s dive into some strategies that I’ve used in my own business and strategies that I have seen work in other people’s businesses and in their lives. I want you to build confidence as a fertility coach and practitioner and these are the steps that you can use to get you there.

Step number one, acknowledge your feelings. This is the first step and it’s recognizing and accepting that self doubt and imposter syndrome are normal. You’re not alone. Many successful professionals experience these same feelings. Again, I experienced this still after 10 years, but I’ve learned these strategies and so it doesn’t affect me as much as it used to. And now that’s what I want for you.

Strategy number two, reflect on your achievements. Make a list of all your accomplishments, your qualifications, your positive feedback from clients, your client testimonials, and revisit this list anytime you feel self doubt start to pop in. I have a vision board that sits right in front of me when I’m at my desk.

And anytime I feel that twinge of self doubt, I’m not enough, maybe I’m about to do a presentation or a webinar, Or get on a discovery call and that little voice in the back of my head says, you’re a fraud. You don’t know enough. Who do you think you are? Who are you to help this person? But then I have to remind myself, I’m Dr. Kela, and I’ve spent a lot of time and a lot of energy perfecting my protocols, perfecting my craft, getting my qualifications, my degrees, I do know enough and I am enough. And so I have to remind myself that constantly when that self doubt pops in.

Strategy number three, seek support. Connect with other professionals and fertility coaches and practitioners that are in the same field as you. You can share experiences and challenges. And you can get a different perspective and get reassurance that you’re on the right track. Don’t hesitate to seek mentorship or coaching for yourself. Coaches need coaches. I’m constantly enrolling in programs that are going to better myself. Not just my education, which I do that a lot because I love to learn. I love to bring new protocols and strategies and new things to help support my clients and patients. But I also love to learn business from people who have done what I am trying to do, so don’t hesitate to seek support at the end.

I’ll talk about the program that I created at the Hormone Puzzle Society’s Educational Institute that will certify you as a fertility and hormones coach. This is an amazing program with 10 weeks of business and marketing training, six weeks of mindset and self development. It’s an amazing program, so seek support if that’s something that you feel you need. I feel everybody needs some sort of support and definitely a certification or to continue learning.

Strategy number four, commit to ongoing education and professional development. The more knowledge and the more skilled you are, the better and more confident you will become.

Strategy number five is practice self compassion.  Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Remember that it’s okay to make mistakes. And that perfectionism is not the goal for you or the client or patient. Focus on progress and growth. I love to say progress, not perfection. That’s such an amazing statement for you and for your clients and patients.

Strategy number six, set realistic goals. We’ve talked about block scheduling and this goes hand in hand with that. Break down your large goals into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small it is. Build your confidence by the things that you’re completing and by the patients and clients that you’re helping to get the results that they’re after. Celebrate every win. I don’t care how small it is.

Strategy number seven is visualize your success. I do this so often. I imagine what it will look like Feel like, smell like, I embody what it will be to get the success that I’m after. Spend time visualizing your success, not only in building your business, but also in your coaching sessions.

I remember when I did my first coaching session, I was so nervous. I had imposter syndrome bad. I was so self conscious. I had my notes in front of me. I was so prepared, but then I was so scared that the person was going to ask me something that I didn’t know, or that I hadn’t studied, or that I hadn’t learned, and they were going to realize that I was a fraud, and that I was brand new, and I didn’t know what I was doing, and they were going to ask for their money back.

But you know what? That never happened. That has never happened in almost 10 years of business. Every person that I’ve worked with has been amazed at the amount of support and what I’ve been able to create with them. They’ve gotten so much success. They’ve created babies and businesses and all of this was because I wasn’t scared to put myself out there. And to share the knowledge that I did have with these clients and patients and students.

And number eight is affirmations and Positive self talk. I use affirmations all the time. You have to reinforce your belief and your abilities. And you have to train your brain to constantly remember this and to know this and to embody this.

Replace your negative self talk with positive and empowering statements.

I constantly say to myself, I am Dr. Kela. I almost as I’m putting on that outfit. It’s super cute and it has stilettos with it. So we’re just saying, but I put on that outfit. I’m Dr. Kela. I embody that. And this is what I want for you. Embody who you are as a coach, even if you’re brand new, or even if you’ve been at it for years. So now let’s talk about embracing your unique journey. 

Remember, every coach is unique. Your path, your experiences, your perspectives, that is what makes you valuable to your potential clients. Somebody wants to hire me and they connect with me and they want to learn from me and be coached by me. That’s another person might connect with you. They might love your story and what you have to say and the way that you say it and the way that you articulate how you can help them. That is your person. The first person is my person. There’s plenty of people that need our help. So embrace your individual ability and trust that you have something special to offer and that you can help many people around the world.

Celebrate your success. Learn from your challenges and keep moving forward. Overcoming self doubt and imposter syndrome is a continuous process. But, with time and effort, you can build the confidence you need to be the best fertility coach that you can be.

So, in closing, I just want to say thank you for tuning in to today’s episode of the Hormone Puzzle Podcast. I hope you My insights and strategies help you to overcome self doubt and imposter syndrome, empowering you to thrive in your role as a fertility coach. Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review and share it with your friends who might benefit from this discussion.

And remember, you’re not alone on this journey. We’re all in this together.


Are you considering becoming a fertility coach or looking to grow and scale your current practice? I’ve created a comprehensive Fertility Coach Certification Course designed to provide you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to excel in this rewarding field. If you’re ready to make a difference and empower others on their fertility journey, visit my website to learn more: www.hormonepuzzlesociety.com/education.

This article, “Overcoming Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome as a Fertility Coach”  was originally published as a podcast episode on the show, The Hormone Puzzle Podcast.

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