I’ve learned a lot – the HARD WAY – & I’m grateful for that. Because now, as a coach, I get the opportunity to identify & resolve these mindset traps before they sabotage client’s progress:

Written by Guest Blogger: Stesha Reukauf is a Holistic Fertility Practitioner, Board Certified, focused on aligning the body, mind and spirit for optimal health & fertility for women.
1.Detach from the outcome.
It’s great to have goals! But NEEDING to achieve them in order to FEEL something about yourself is bad news. Most women THINK they must get pregnant based on unrealistic expectations. & if their journey doesn’t go according to plan, they make it mean they’re a failure. Instead, accept yourself no matter what happens which allows you to LET GO & TRUST.
2. Live your life, now
I see too many women obsessing about everything they CAN’T do, instead of reveling in the abundance of their life NOW. & I get it, you want a baby more than anything, but putting your life on hold until you get pregnant is unnecessary AND a sure-fire way to rob yourself of happiness. Instead, practice happiness NOW – conceive your baby out of LOVE, not lack.
3. Leverage your body’s innate ability to heal
Your body has the EXACT blueprint for fertility – there is NOTHING you need to micromanage => no hormone tests, progesterone cream, or thyroid medication is going to heal your body. Instead, ask ‘what do I need to add / remove for my body to heal ITSELF?’ Getting to the root of WHY your body’s imbalanced is the only way to a successful pregnancy without force.
4. Don’t fall for the shiny object.
Do not start a new diet, supplement or doctor everytime you feel uninspired. The secret to success is in the mundane, daily practices of the 5 core pillars of health: nourishing foods, clean water, exercise, sleep, mindset. If you catch yourself saying, ‘but I’m already doing that & it’s still not working,’ then I invite you to circle back to your mindset.
5. Only listen to your intuition.
You’re stepping outside the lines & taking back your power as a leader & creator of your life. This will trigger people. Remember, when someone tells you, ‘you can’t,’ they really mean to say ‘I can’t.’ Just watch, soon they’ll ask you what’s your secret
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?
Guest Blogger,
Stesha Reukauf
Stesha Reukauf is a Holistic Fertility Practitioner, Board Certified, focused on aligning the body, mind and spirit for optimal health & fertility for women. Through her signature course, Holistic Fertility Method, Stesha teaches women who have been struggling to conceive on their own or who are at the end of the road of what conventional medicine can offer them, to get to the root of their fertility challenges and create a holistic body-mind-soul practice to drastically increase health & fertility.
P.S. Catch this week’s episode of The Hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Podcast – Your 3 Biggest Fertility Mistakes and How to Solve Them with Stesha Reukauf.
You can also find the episode on this podcast page as well as Spotify, and Stitcher.
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