5 Easy Tips You Can Do To Lose Weight and Fast

5 Easy Tips You Can Do To Lose Weight and Fast

So many people are asking me about my 28 day re-set program… what is it, will it help them lose weight, what will they eat and more. Here I want to break all this down for you.

While there’s no magic reset button, giving your body all it needs to encourage its natural detox processes will help you stay healthy this summer and into the fall/winter.

My re-set program teaches you how to take out any food that is causing inflammation in your body and put in whole food nutrition so you start to heal your body from the inside and the weight starts to magically fall off, energy goes up, skin clears, sleep improves and more.

To be successful on this re-set you must keep these 5 tips in mind-

1. Don’t starve yourself.

I have talked to so many people lately living on green juices and intermittent fasting. Your body needs fuel to survive and thrive. Your body needs nutrients to remove toxins, have energy and shed weight. Give it good, nutritious foods and the weight will start to drop off. Restricting your diet to only a handful of foods and omitting entire food groups will drive nutrient deficiencies and slow-down this natural detox process.

2. Don’t waste money on teas, powders and potions.

claiming to help your body detox. These don’t work and most of them are loaded with synthetic ingredients that do more harm than good. Real, whole food is what your body needs to detox and re-set.

3. Know what foods promote natural detox.

berries, lean meats, mushrooms, kale, nuts and seeds, avocado, flax seeds, warm lemon water and more.

4. Set realistic goals.

you can lose up to 10 lbs on my re-set however I would set a realistic goal of 1-2 lbs a week for sustainable weight loss. Losing more weight than that can sometimes be water weight and it won’t stay off.

5. If you aren’t quit ready for a re-set but want to make some healthier habits this summer, start by eliminating these 6 foods from your diet. This alone will put you on the road to better health. Sugar, processed foods, gluten, dairy, alcohol and caffeine.

If you are interested in learning more of my program – click here: https://hormonepuzzlesociety.com/resources-courses/ 

Love and health,

Coach Kela

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