
4 Easy To Follow Sales Tips For Fertility Coaches

Knowing these 4 sales tips for fertility coaches is helpful for you in marketing your fertility coaching business. In addition, you will find these tips useful in connecting with your dream clients as well as with existing ones.

Written by Guest Blogger: Hailey Rowe – a Marketing and Sales Strategist for Online Service Providers.

Know, Like, and Trust in Sales

This is the very first thing you have to consider because knowing, liking, and trusting leads to discovery calls.

So what are the factors that lead people to buy your services as a fertility coach? These factors affect the clients in their decision if they will buy from you so you have to focus on these.


This is the first factor to consider. You need to know what motivates your target clients by listening and learning what they are thinking and feeling.


Your target clients also want to know the details of what you have to offer. They want to see how they can use your services and what value they can get in what you are selling.

3. Fear

There are some individuals that fear taking action but do not think ahead of what will happen if they are unable to do it.

You need to chime this in with what their purpose is. You have to focus on how much time has passed by and how they may not want more time to pass by. Show them why they don’t want to procrastinate with their goals in business.

Ask these questions and provide the answers they need to hear.

  1. Why now?
  2. What are you afraid of?
  3. What’s been keeping you stuck?
  4. Urgency in Sales

You can only do this if your offer reaches your target client right now. And your target clients are:

  1. People that are aware they have a problem. And as a result, they are ready to solve their issues.
  2. Unaware that they have a problem, but on the other hand they need assistance.
  3. People that are aware and comfortable asking for assistance to solve their problems.

These are usually the groups that you should be marketing to. As a matter of fact, most fertility coaches are trying to target the aware and comfortable group as their potential clients because they are more ready to take the leap.

These are all are crucial factors to consider for your fertility coaching business. It will not only help your potential client to realize their goals and purpose but also how and what you offer can help them. So start reaching and getting your dream clients today.

Guest blogger,

Hailey Rowe

Hailey Rowe is a Marketing and Sales Strategist for Online Service Providers who want to gain more clients online consistently, grow their business to full-time, and rock their sales without self-doubt. She shares her business, marketing, and mindset tips in her Health Coach Nation Podcast & in the Health Coach Nation Facebook Group.

Are you aspiring to be a Fertility Coach?

Become a certified fertility coach or add fertility coaching to existing practice in the next 6 months. Enroll in The Hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Method Fertility Certification Program.

  • Learn a proven method to help you get your clients (or potential clients) pregnant and keep them pregnant!
  • Learn the exact steps I took to build a profitable practice in under 3 years (your fast track).
  •  Learn how to create systems in your business so it runs on autopilot and you have consistent clients coming in.
  • Learn all the pieces of fertility that you might not realize you need to know, the science of fertility, fertility acronyms and definition, fertility conditions, fertility treatments (eastern and western), and more.

Work from home, make great money and make a difference.

Click HERE for more info and how to enroll.


Do you want to learn more about sales and marketing for Fertility Coaching? Don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of The Hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Podcast as I chat with Hailey Rowe – Sales & Marketing Strategist & Coach.

You can also find my podcast in iTunes, Spotify, and Stitcher

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